Those who have epilepsy take prescribed medication to prevent seizures. However, there are many cases where medication does not stop or reduce seizures. In this case, surgeries, new devices, and even a new diet may be necessary to reduce seizures. Dietary changes may be complex because most foods are the ones you need to stay away from, but it can be done. Here at Neurology Specialists P.C., our neurologist in Milford will assist you in implementing this new diet and ensure that seizures are reduced.
Many of those making dietary changes for their seizure diets tend to follow the ketosis diet or modified Atkins diet. The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that helps prevent any seizures. The modified Atkins diet is a high-protein and low-carbohydrate diet. Foods to avoid with epilepsy are anything high in carbohydrates, sugar, unhealthy oils, some dairies like milk, beans, and some fruits and vegetables. It is generally best to avoid any processed foods high in sugar and pastries.
Both diets mentioned tending to work for patients with epilepsy because the body will use fat instead of carbohydrates for energy. Those who don’t restrict carbohydrates will get energy from glucose which comes from them. See how we can help you today!
Unfortunately, these diets normally have risks and side effects that you need to watch out for. Implementing the Keto or modified Atkins diet into your dietary changes can cause high cholesterol, gastrointestinal symptoms, kidney stones, and bone health. Since these diets are restrictive, it is very hard for many to follow, but it is effective for those who permanently follow to reduce seizures.
As hard as making drastic dietary changes in your diet can be, it is best to do this with a neurologist to guide you through the safest diet. Neurology Specialists P.C. has a neurologist in Milford specializing in this care area. Don’t wait. Call us or visit our website to schedule an appointment for your first consultation with one of our specialists!